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Huttoft Primary School

School Council & Ambassadors

School Council

Our School Council was set up to ensure that children have representation and a voice across all year groups. 

They are a group of pupils which acts as representatives of their classmates in discussing school issues with governors, the headteacher and staff, helping to make decisions about how the school is run and taking on projects that support the children’s learning and development, such as organising charity events, representing the school at outside events or ensuring the school is environmentally friendly. They are elected annually by their peers.


This year our School Council are focusing on a new Healthy Schools initiative. This has been a few months in the planning and was launched at the beginning of January 2024 when four of our School Councillors led a whole school assembly. Mrs Denton is going to be supporting the pupils in their endeavour to ensure we all live a healthier life. 

They will focus specially on:

  • Healthy Lunch Boxes
  • Healthy Snacks
  • Being Active
  • Promoting healthy living through cooking
  • Travelling to school (walk, cycle, scooter)
  • Plant! Harvest! Cook!
  • After School – Healthy Eating
  • Healthy Recipes

The School Councillors will lead assemblies throughout the year linked to their focus communicating with children and parents.

Our School Councillors also met with a Parish Councillor to share their views on what they would like to see in our community and what they could do to contribute more to our local community. 

School Ambassadors

The School Ambassadors are a group of Year 6 pupils, selected through an application process, to be the forward-facing element of our school body.

Our Ambassadors represent our school in the local community and when we have visitors in school.

For Christmas 2023 the pupils highlighted poverty in our community by running a Christmas appeal to feed the children in our community at Christmas. They delivered an enormous amount of baby food and other food products to our local foodbanks while also raising over £300.

The Ambassadors will continue to focus on working in our community in the coming months.

A proud member of Horncastle Educational Trust